Monday, January 10, 2011

Mirkwood (Aut) - Promo


What we have here is the first non-metal post in this blog, so this is kind of a special one...
Mirkwood is (or better was) a side project of Summoning's Silenius and should not be confused with the US Atmospheric BM Band.
There was never done any artwork for this release, so there isn't even existing a logo of the project., so I took a picture of Silenius to make things some better-looking. Besides, the tracks do not have any names, like the release itself does. So I just called it "Promo". The project was dropped some time later as Silenius lost interest in it and the music stayed (officially) unreleased. I think you can download the whole release on the Summoning homepage, too
But now to the music: This is some atmospheric ambient, not as epic as Summoning but if you like them , you'll probably like this too. Just try it!!
For those guys being into Summoning: The fourth track was used later on the EP "Lost Tales" in "Arkenstone", so I could be seen as a quite early demo version^^

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